
19 reasons why you should advertise at The Junction Weekly Guam Edition

  1. Highly competitive advertising rates (lower than competition)!
  2. Free on-line ads. Free and public on-line access, no need for paid subscriptions.
  3. Free paper. No need for the readers to subscribe or spend money to read it.
  4. Broad-based distribution with substantial local and Philippine news (Filipinos form the second largest ethnic group on Guam).
  5. Guaranteed circulation. What we say we print is what we print, and what we print is what we circulate. Range of printed copies start at 5,000 to 15,000 copies, subject to publication guidelines.
  6. Simplified advertising rates. No fancy come-on terms meant only to entice heavy advertisers.
  7. Open to pay after publication (PAP) and other payment terms.
  8. Generous discounts for volume advertisers.
  9. No political affiliations.
  10. Beholden to no one, not to big business and/or political interests.
  11. Unbiased news and reporting; fearless, free, balanced, and fair.
  12. Open to part exchange deals for your ad payments (case to case basis).
  13. Advertising, news, and editorial contents are subject to defined guidelines and limitations on print space usage.
  14. Lower publication-ad rates for non-profits.
  15. Free ad lay-out and ad design.
  16. Open to focused and strategic newspaper distribution (demographics) for PR and Ad campaigns.
  17. Low rates for your pre-printed inserts.
  18. Free advertorial write-ups and/or press releases for valued clients.
  19. Standardized pricing for on-island and/or off-island advertisers. We strictly observe a non-discrimination policy, whether you are a Guam local, a resident, a transient, or a guest.

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